Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Festivities!

I've never been big on Halloween, but with all the pumpkin carving pictures popping up on Facebook, I thought it'd be fun to invite some of our family over for a pumpkin carving contest - my family is very competitive. None of us had ever carved a pumpkin before, so it was kind of fair game as to who would win. Apparently, my brother, Chris, and Clayton's sister, Dana, inherited the skill because the rest of our pumpkins were pretty sad looking. Luckily, Dana let us keep her pumpkin for decoration on our front porch.

Clayton and I also had our first Halloween in our new house. We had no idea how much candy to get, but I thought we had plenty to last us through the night....WRONG! We had to turn off our porch light and blow out the pumpkins at 7:45pm! We officially passed out candy for about an hour. How sad is that! Next year we will definitely be prepared. 

From left to right: Jamie, Melissa, Chris, Clayton, Dana, Me

1 comment:

  1. personally i think you and claytons are by far the best... they look like the kind of pumpkin cutting skills that i portray:) too cute!
